sábado, 24 de agosto de 2013


We haven't seen some characters for a while, so I will do a series of characters with specific restrictions. Here we have our first set, "Commanders". The restrictions I considered are: Tribal/Medieval (not modern), covered shoulders, and high rank!

So for this entry, let me know which one is the one you would like developed in a Concept sheet, with detail of poses, weapons and costume! You can leave a comment here or in the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Delfinacampoart

lunes, 19 de agosto de 2013

Cold streets

This image would be the same street as the image befote, but with another perspective and another time of the day
In this image I wanted to capture the coldness of these misterious streets

miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2013

Flying vehicles

Flying vehicles! For this piece I figured out all the vehicles should have this kind of magnetic propellers, quite cool

lunes, 12 de agosto de 2013


This street view was builded with one-point perspective drawing in paper, and then rendered in PS. The original format is A4, but I cut a little bit the borders to make it more wide-screen

I wanted to show a really dry environment

sábado, 10 de agosto de 2013

viernes, 9 de agosto de 2013

Forrest Spirit

This is a color test, wanted to try the lighting effect that the creature could produce


A Character Design, this is Conqueraton an hoplite mercenary!

Character Design

These characters were designed for a project in school, together with the Game Design course. There were two main characters in the story, an evil, short, super-intelligent alien, who manipulated the native ones making them believe theywere gods. The other character, the good one, is a subterranean creature, strong and humple, but at the same time intelligent enough to build communities and a society.

These now are from another project... These creatures were designed taking as reference some Z-Brush models we created in class, then they were painted over in photoshop

No special software used for this one, just PS

Civilian Base

Here is an Alien base surrounded with a forcefield
Took the perspective from a small photo and everything else was built from scratch

Exploration Robot

This is the Robot of the previos image!

miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2013

Exploring Robot

Here is a scene with a Robot we created in class. Also builded in 3D Max Studio (Just the structure), and then painted in Photoshop

Two interiors, same structure

A couple of Interiors builded in 3D Max Studio, and then painted in Photoshop