sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2013

The giant rises

This image is a continuation of the previous one, that you can check in the following link: http://delfinacampo-conceptart.blogspot.com.ar/2013/11/forgotten-giant.html

This would be the scene where the giant is liberated from his chains and finally rises

miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

Forgotten Giant

In this opportunity I post this piece. I imagine it as being a giant demi-god, that was locked in a cave or dead volcano by powerful spells. Since this creature cannot die from hunger, it survived for centuries, gaining hate for the humans that locked him. Until one day, he would be useful for an evil mssion, and it was time for his freedom. (What a story!)
Here's the drawing I did, and a middle step before reaching the finished piece

You can check a continuing image in this link: http://delfinacampo-conceptart.blogspot.com.ar/2013/11/the-giant-rises.html

domingo, 24 de noviembre de 2013


This is another scanned drawing, I thought of doing a creature that has some similarity to previous ones (Tóralo and Reniervo), they would form part of the same world.

This Ñanphant would be a large creature of 3 mts tall, with very strong legs that allows it to run really fast. Since it has puffy hair that protects its neck and chest, it would live in a rather cold environment.

I may do a scene with the three creatures, probably in some market where they are being exchanged for treasuers of other countries...

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

Two-legged robot

I got the chance of seeing Doug Chiang's amazing work recently and I got really inspired. This is a hand-made design done without much of a guidance, but I really liked the idea of this piece. I will of course improve my straight lines soon :P

jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

Anatomy Study - Rhinoceros

Hi all, I've been abroad for the last month so I couldn't upload any new stuff, and as well couldn't practice much. Hence, I am uploading this morning's study I did about the Rhinoceros skeleton, focusing on its skull.

I took some references from books, but the head references are from pictures I myself took at the Grant Museum of Zoology, in London... Travels are really useful for inspiration