sábado, 18 de abril de 2015

Forest Creatures

I imagined a couple of creatures that would live in this post-apocaliptic environment. Since traditional fuels are no longer available and the world population was reduced drastically, the wild life had an oportunity to evolve without restrictions.

These forest creatures are mainly large, since they could profit from the florishing surroundings.

In  this piece we have the following:
Lagarllo: it can be foud from the size of a horse to the size of an elephant. they are omnivorous, and can eat fish as well as insects and plants. The human population in occations tame these creatures and use them as mount. They can be found in dense forests and jungles.
Ballerro: these are very friendly creatures that live in the shores. They eat small fish and crustaceans. whenever there is a human gathering, these curious creatures are the first to appear. They are a great companion for fishing villages. 
Picador común: These strange creatures live in the same environments as the Lagarllo. They are the sithe of a cat, and very unfriendly. They are rarely seen by humans. They eat mostly insects and sometimes fruits. Their peack allows them to reach the inner part of fallen logs, and feed from them. 

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2015


These are my five merchants of this post-apocalyptic world I am working on right now. I divided them into Urban and Rural. 

The first two merchants live in over-populated cities, they are forced to wear a mask in order to survive, because the air is almost unbreathable. One of them is a collector of anything that appears in his way, and the other one is a smuggler from the factory area. 

The other three merchants are from the wild areas. The forest one collects herbs and mushrooms with particular qualities. The second one lives in the shore, he mostly fishes. However, he is the most affected one by radiation and water pollution.

the mountain merchant is the biggest of all, since he needs physical strength to survive the ultra cold weather. There is not much pollution in the mountains, but the climate change made it impossible to have temperatures above -10°C  

lunes, 9 de febrero de 2015


This creature is part of a series of animals I thoght as part of a futuristic world, or post-apocaliptic one, where there is no oil to fuel any kind of vehicles and humans are to rely on more traditional means of transportation. I want to show different adaptations of current animals that serve some purpose in this futuristic world. 

The trijodonte would be the combination of a bull and a camel. This is a very large creature, used as a pack animal by humans.

These animals are very resistant to high temperatures, and can survive without water for two weeks, since they conserve liquid in their humps.