lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014

(Post) Apocalipse - Monsters

For the following images I imagined a post-apocaliptic world where pollution and radiation invaded the core of Human Civilization, affecting not only the environment, but also the livings as well.

These monsters shown here belong to the genetically engineered "humans" that were to be the cure to all the environmental disasters with the super-proteins and ultra-resistant genes. However, the tests were performed in unsafe nuclear-laboratories, producing as a result a mutation in the specimens, and therefore these monstruosities. 

This new species managed to survive hiding in old buildings, waiting for wonderers to come too close to their lands. 

They are almost three metres tall, with deformed extremities. The male, for example, has arms that reach the ground, which permits him to run balancing his weight. 

I hope you like this series I will be uploading, thank you for watching!

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